NPRG042 Programming in Parallel Environment


The domain of parallel architectures and parallel programming is perhaps the most intensively developing field in the computer science. Hence, the slides are being updated continuously. Furthermore, bare in mind that some information on the slides may become outdated despite our best efforts. If you have any questions or suggestions related to the lectures, please contact the teachers.

Date Topic Materials
20.2.2024 Parallel programming theory 01-theory.pptx
27.2.2024 C# and .NET 17-cs.pptx
5.3.2024 Finding parallelism 02-finding.ppt
12.3.2024 Intel Threading Building Blocks 12-tbb.pptx
19.3.2024 Algorithm structures 03-algorithm.ppt
26.3.2024 OpenMP 13-openmp.pptx
2.4.2024 Algorithm structures (continuation) 03-algorithm.ppt
9.4.2024 Apache Spark 15-spark.pptx
16.4.2024 Support structures 04-support.ppt
23.4.2024 SYCL 18-sycl.pptx
30.4.2024 GPGPU (with SYCL) TBA
7.5.2024 Support structures (continuation) 04-support.ppt
21.5.2024 Support structures (continuation) 04-support.ppt