Jaroslav Pokorný - Publications 2001 - 2010
1981-1990 | 1991-2000 | 2001-2010 | 2011-2020 | 2021-present || Back
Ali, K., Pokorný, J.: Adding Time Dimension to XML. Chapter 3 in book: Data Mining and Management, Spendler, L. I. (Ed.) Nova Publishers, Inc., Series Computer Science, Technology and Applications, 2010, pp. 101-139.
Ondreička, M., Pokorný, J..: Efficient Top-K Problem Solvings for More Users in Tree-Oriented Data Structures. In: Proc. of SITIS 2009 Conf., Marrakesh 29.11-4.12., IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 345- 354.
Beličák, M., Pokorný, J., Richta, K.: Open Design Architecture for Round Trip Engineering. In: Information Systems Development: Asian Experiences. Nanchang, září 2009. Springer, 2010, s. 281-294.
Kudělka, M., Takama, Y., Snášel, V., Klos, K., and Pokorný, J.: Visual Similarity of Web Pages. In: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 65, Proc. of AWIC 2009 Conf., Praha 9.9. – 11.9.2009, Springer Verlag, pp. 135-146, 2010.
Pokorný, J.: Databases in the 3rd Millennium: Trends and Research Directions. Journal of Systems Integration, Vol 1, No 1-2 (2010), pp. 3-15.
Pokorný, J.: XML in Enterprise Systems: Its Roles and Benefits. In: Proc. of Enterprise Architecture, Integration and Interoperability (EAI2N 2010), P. Bernus, G. Doumeingts, and M. Fox (Eds.), IFIP AICT 326, pp. 128–139, 2010.
Pokorný, J., Pribolová, J., Vojtáš, P.: Ontology Engineering Relationally. In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Volume 206, IOS Press, 2010, pp. 275-282.
Number of publications in 2010: 7
Pokorny, J., Pribolova, J., Vojtas, P.: Ontology Engineering Relationally. Dep. of Software Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Tech. Report No 2009/2, April 2009, 20 p. [ PDF ]
Feuerlicht, G., Pokorny, J., Richta, K.: Object-Relational database design: Can your application benefit from SQL:2003? In: ISD Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education. Barry, C., Conboy, K., Lang, M., Wojtkowski, G., Wojtkowski, W. (eds), Springer-Verlag: New York, 2008, pp. 975-988.
Pokorny, J., Richta, K., Valenta, M.: Cellstore: Educational And Experimental XML-Native DBMS. In: ISD Challenges in Practice, Theory, and Education. Barry, C., Conboy, K., Lang, M., Wojtkowski, G., Wojtkowski, W. (eds), Springer-Verlag: New York, 2008, pp. 989-1000.
Kudelka, M., Snasel, V., Lehecka, O., El-Qawasmeh, E., Pokorny, J.: Semantic Annotation of Web Pages Using Web Patterns. In: E. Damiani et al. (Eds.): Advanced Internet Based Systems and Applications. SITIS 2006, Revised Selected Papers, LNCS 4879, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 270-279.
Ali, K., Pokorny, J.: A Comparison of XML-based Temporal Models. In: E. Damiani et al. (Eds.): Advanced Internet Based Systems and Applications. SITIS 2006, Revised Selected Papers, LNCS 4879, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 339-350.
Pokorny, J., Pribolova, J., Vojtas, P.: Translation of Ontology Retrieval Problem. In: Proc. of DATESO Annual International Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects), Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic, April 15-17, 2009, Eds. V. Snasel, K. Richta, J. Pokorny, CEUR Workshop Proc., Vol. 471, pp. 44-55.
Ondreicka, M., Pokorny, J..: Combination of TA- and MD-algorithm for Efficient Solving of Top-K Problem according to User's Preferences. In: Proc. of DATESO Annual International Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects), Špindlerův Mlýn, Czech Republic, April 15-17, 2009, Eds. V. Snasel, K. Richta, J. Pokorny, CEUR Workshop Proc., Vol. 471, pp. 142-153.
Pokorny, J., Pribolova, J., Vojtas, P.: Ontology Engineering Relationally. In: Proc. of the 19. European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2009), M. Hőlbl and N. Yoshida (Eds.), Maribor, Slovenia, June 1-5, pp. 270 - 277.
Necasky, M., Pokorny, J.: Conceptual Modelling of ISA-Hierarchies for XML. In: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XX. Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda, H. Jaakola, Xing Cgen, Naofumi Yoshida (Eds.), IOS Press Japan, pp. 65-84.
Number of publications in 2009: 9
Pokorny, J., Vavra, J., Snasel, V.: A Renewed Matrix Model for XML Data. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), J. S. Pan, A. Abraham, Ch. -Ch. Chan (Eds.), 26-28 Nov. 2008, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 549-556.
Snasel, V., Dvorsky, J., Timofieiev, A., Pokorny, J.: H-Index Analysis of Enron Corpus. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), J. S. Pan, A. Abraham, Ch. -Ch. Chan (Eds.), 26-28 Nov. 2008, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 138-144.
Snasel, V., Moravec, P., Pokorny, J.: Using SDD for Topic Identification. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), J. S. Pan, A. Abraham, Ch. -Ch. Chan (Eds.), 26-28 Nov. 2008, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, pp. 415-420.
Mlynkova, I., Pokorny , J., Richta, K., Toman, K., Toman, V.: XML technologie. Principy a aplikace v praxi. Grada Publishing, a.s. Praha, 2008.
Pokorny, J.: Vector-Oriented Retrieval in XML Data Collections. In: Proc. of DATESO Annual International Workshop on Databases, Texts, Specifications, Objects), Desna, Czech Republic, April 16-18, 2008, Eds. V. Snasel, K. Richta, J. Pokorny, CEUR Workshop Proc. Vol. 330, pp. 74-76.
Vosta, O., Mlynkova, I., Pokorny, J.: Even an Ant Can Create an XSD. In: DASFAA '08: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Database Systems for Advance Applications, New Delhi, India, March 2008. LNCS 4947, Springer, 2008, pp. 35-50.
Mlynkova, I., Pokorny, J.: UserMap - an Adaptive Enhancing of User-Driven XML-to-Relational Mapping Strategies. In: Proc. Nineteenth Australasian Database Conference (ADC 2008). Fekete, A. and Lin, X., Eds. (2008). Database Technologies 2008, CRPIT. 75. Wollongong, NSW, Australia, ACS, 2008, pp. 165-174.
Necasky M., Pokorny J.: Design and Management of Semantic Web Services using Conceptual Model. In: Proc. the 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2008), Volume 3. March 2008. Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, pp. 2243-2247.
Ali, K., Pokorny, J.: 3D_XML: a three-dimensional XML-based model. In: Proc. of SOFSEM 2008, Viliam Geffert, Juhani Karhumäki, Alberto Bertoni, Bart Preneel, Pavol Navrat, Maria Bielikova (Eds.): LNCS 4910, Springer Verlag, 2008, pp. 659-671.
Kudelka, M., Lehecka, O., Snasel, V., El-Qawasmeh, E., Pokorny, J.: Web pages reordering and clustering based on web patterns. In: Proc. of SOFSEM 2008, Viliam Geffert, Juhani Karhumäki, Alberto Bertoni, Bart Preneel, Pavol Navrat, Maria Bielikova (Eds.): LNCS 4910, Springer Verlag, 2008, pp. 731-742.
Necasky M., Pokorny J.: Conceptual Modelling of ISA-Hierarchies for XML. In: Proc. of the 18 European Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases (EJC 2008), Y. Kiyoki, T. Tokuda (Eds.), Tsukuba, Japan, June 2-6, pp. 65-84.
Kmoch, I., Pokorny J.: XSLT Implementation in a relational environment. In: Proceedings of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems - subconference Informatics 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, IADIS, 2008, pp. 91-98.
Ondrejička, M., Pokorny J.: Extending Fagin's algorithm for more users based on multidimensional B-tree. In: Proc. of ADBIS 2008, P. Atzeni, A. Caplinskas, and H. Jaakkola (Eds.), LNCS 5207, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, pp. 199214.
Pallis, G., Vakali, A., Pokorny, J: A Clustering-based Prefetching Scheme on a Web Cache Environment. Int. Journal Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 309-323.
Number of publications in 2008: 14
Skopal, T., Hoksza, D., Pokorny, J.: Construction of Tree-based Indexes for Level-Contiguous Buffering Support. In: Proc. of DASFAA 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, LNCS 4443, Ramamohanarao, K. et al Eds., Springer, 2007, pp. 361-373
Mlynkova, I., Pokorny, J.: Adaptability of Methods for Processing XML Data using Relational Databases the State of the Art and Open Problems. International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, Vol. IV, No. II, Technomathematics Research Foundations, 2007. pp. 43-62
Ali, K., Pokorny, J.: A Comparison of XML-based Temporal Models. In: Signal Processing for mage Enhancement and Multimedia Processing, (E. Damiani, A. Dipanda, K. Yetongnon, L. Legrand, P. Schelkens (Eds .), to appear in Springer Verlag, 2007 [ PDF ]
Kudelka, M., Snasel, V., Lehecka, O., El-Qawasmeh, E., Pokorny, J.: Semantic Annotation of Web Pages Using Web Patterns. In: Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing, (E. Damiani, A. Dipanda, K. Yetongnon, L. Legrand, P. Schelkens (Eds .), to appear in Springer Verlag, 2007 [ PDF ]
Eckhardt, A., Pokorny, J., Vojtas, P.: A system recommending top-k objects for multiple users preference. In Proc. of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, July 24-26, 2007, London, England, pp. 1101-1106
Pokorny, J.: Database Architectures: Current Trends and Their Relationships to Requirements of Practice. In: INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVTELOPMENT Series, Advances in Information Systems Development: New Methods and Practice for the Networked Society, Proceedings Information Systems Development Springer Verlag, 2007, pp. 269-279
Husek, D., Pokorny, J., Rezankova, H., Snasel, V.: Data Clustering: From Documents to the Web.. Chapter 1 in book Web Data Management Practices: Emerging Techniques and Technologies, A. Vakali and Pallis Eds., Idea Group Inc., 2007, p. 1-33.
Eckhardt, A., Pokorny, J., Vojtas, P.: Integrating user and group preferences for top-k search from distributed web resources. In: Proc. of DEXA Workshop Decision Support for Structural Health Monitoring and Flexible Query Processing, Regensburg, 2007, pp. 317-322.
Mlynkova, I., Pokorny, J.: Similarity and XML Technologies. In Proc. of IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2007, Vila Real, Portugal, 5 - 8 October 2007, (Eds.) Isaias, P., Nunes, M.B., Barroso, J., IADIS 2007, pp. 277-287.
Pokorny, J.: XML Databases: priciples and Usage. In: Proc. of BPSC 2007 (Business Process And Services Computing), Sep. 25-26, Leipzig, Germany, W. Abramowicz, L. Maciaszek (Eds), GI-Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics, 2007, pp. 37-38.
Necasky M., Pokorny J.: Extending E-R for Modelling XML Keys. In: Proc. of IEEE ICDIM 2007: Proc. of The Second International Conference on Digital Information Management, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 236-241.
Mlynkova, I., Pokorny, J.: Similarity of XML Schema Fragments Based on XML Data Statistics. In: Proc. of Innovations '07: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, pp. 243 - 247, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 2007. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007.
Pokorny, J.: Databázové systémy 2. Skripta ČVUT, Nakladatelství ČVUT, 2007.
Number of publications in 2007: 13
Pokorny, J., Reschke, J.: Exporting relational data into a native XML store. Chap. in: Advances in Information Systems Development - Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry. Vol. 2, Edited by A.G. Nilsson et al, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp. 807- 818.
Husek, D., Pokorny, J., Rezankova, H., Snasel, V.: Data Clustering: From Documents to the Web.. Chapter 1 in book Web Data Management Practices: Emerging Techniques and Technologies, A. Vakali and Pallis Eds., Idea Group Inc., 2007, p. 1-33.
Snasel, V., Moravec, P., Pokorny, J.: Using BFA with WordNet Based Model for Web Retrieval.. Journal of Digital Information Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2006, pp. 107-111.
Skopal, T., Kratky, M., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: A New Range Query Algorithm for Universal B-trees. Information Systems, 31(6):489-511, Elsevier Science, 2006.
Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: Zpracování proudů dat. In: Proc. of the Annual Database Conf. DATAKON'2006, (P. Vojtas ed.), Brno, 2006, Masaryk University Brno. [ PDF ]
Pokorny, J.: Database architectures: current trends and their relationships to environmental data management. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 21, Issue 11, pp. 1579-1586 Elsevier Science, 2006.
Ali, K., Pokorny, J.: XML-based Temporal Models. Research Report DC-2006-02, Dep. of Comp. Sc. and Engineering, FEE TU Prague, May 2006, 39 s. [ PDF ]
Pokorny, J.: Databázové architektury: současné trendy a jejich vztah k novým požadavkům praxe. In: Sborník příspěvků 20. ročníku konference Moderní databáze, Hotel Legner, Zvánovice, KOMIX, pp. 5-14. [ PDF ]
Mlynkova, I., Toman, K., Pokorny, J.: Statistical Analysis of Real XML Data Collections. Technical Report 2006/5, MFF UK, June 2006, 39 p. [ PDF ]
Kratky, V. Snasel, J. Pokorny, P. Zezula: Efficient Processing of Narrow Range Queries in Multi-dimensional Data Structures. In: Proc. of the Tenth International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2006), Delhi, India, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Press, 2006, pp. 69-79.
Mlynkova, I., Toman, K., Pokorny, J.: Statistical Analysis of Real XML Data Collections. In: Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Management of Data - COMAD 2006, Delhi, India, 14. - 16. December 2006, Lakshmanan, L.L., Roy, P., Tung, A. (Eds), Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Comp., Delhi, pp. 20-31.
Ali, K., Pokorny, J.: A Comparison of XML-based Temporal Models. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS'2006), Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 2-13 [ Fulltext ]
Kudelka, M., Snasel, V., Lehecka, O., El-Qawasmeh, E., Pokorny, J.: Semantic Annotation of Web Pages Using Web Patterns. In: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS'2006), Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 373-384 [ Fulltext ]
Number of publications in 2006: 13
Pokorny, J., Rejlek, V.: A Matrix model for XML Data. Chap. in: Databases and Information Systems, Selected Papers from the Sixth International Baltic Conference DB&IS´2004, Volume 118 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Ed. J. Barzdins and A. Caplinskas, IOS Press, 2005, pp. 53-64
Moravec, P., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: WordNet Ontology Based Model for Web Retrieval. In: Proc. of the International Workshop on Challenges in Web Information Retrieval and Integration (WIRI) 2005, April 8-9, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, In conjunction with IEEE ICDE 2005, pp. 231-236 [ PDF ]
Almarimi, A., Pokorny, J.: A Mediation Layer For Heterogeneous XML Schemas. Int. International Journal of Web Information Systems, Troubador Publishing Ltd., Vol. 1, No, 1, March 2005, pp. 25-32
Skopal, T., Pokorny, J., Snasel V: Nearest Neighbours Search using the PM-tree. In: Proc. of The 10th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2005), Beijing, China, LNCS 3453, Springer Verlag, 2005, pp. 803-815 [ PDF ]
Pokorny, J.: Digitální knihovny v prostředí Sémantického webu. In: Sborník z 10. ročníku semináře AKP 2005 (automatizace knihovnických procesů - 10.) (eds. D. Tkačíková, B. Ramajzlová), VIC ČVUT, 2005, pp. 64-73 [ PDF ]
Pokorny, J.: Database architectures: current trends and their relationships to environmental data management. Proc. of the 19th Conference EnviroInfo (Informatics for Environmental Protection, Networking Environmental Information), Masaryk University in Brno, Sep. 7 - 9, 2005, pp. 24-28 [ PDF ]
Pokorny, J.: Směrem k Sémantickému Webu. In: Sborník příspěvků 20. ročníku konference Moderní databáze, Hotel Amber, Roudnice n. L.. KOMIX, pp. 15-24 [ PDF ]
Mlýnkova, I., Pokorny J.: XML in the World of (Object-)Relational Database Systems. In: Information Systems Development Advances in Theory, Practice, and Education. Vasilecas, O.; Caplinskas, A.; Wojtkowski, G.; Wojtkowski, W.; Zupancic, J.; Wrycza, S. (Eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., 2005, pp. 63-76 [ PDF ]
Pokorny J., Smizansky J.: Page Content Rank: an Approach to the Web Content Mining. In: Proc. of IADIS Int. Conf. Applied Compting, Volume 1, February 22-25, 2005, Algarve , Portugal, IADIS Press, pp. 289-296 [ PDF ]
Snasel,V., Moravec,P., Pokorny J.: Using BFA with wordnet ontology based model for web retrieval.. In: Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on ¨Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems" (SITIS'05), Dicolourgroupe, France, 2005, pp. 254-259. [ PDF ]
Number of publications in 2005: 10
Dvorský, J., Martinovic, J., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: Vyhledávání témat v kolekci dokumentů. In: Sborník konference Znalosti (V. Snasel Ed.), Brno 2004, pp. 317-326.
Kratky, M., Pokorny, J., Skopal, T., Snasel, V.: Implementace os XPath ve vícerozměrném přístupu pro indexování XML dat. In: Sborník konference Znalosti (V. Snasel Ed.), Brno 2004, pp. 338-349.
Kratky, M., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: Implementation of XPath Axes in the Multi-dimensional Approach to Indexing XML Data. In: Proc. of dataX - Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML information on the Web, to appear in LNCS Series of Springer Verlag.
Pokorny, J.: XML databáze. In: Sborník příspěvků z XXIV. Konference EurOpen.CZ, Hotel Sněžník, Dolní Morava. EurOpen.CZ, Plzeň, pp. 144-157. [ DOC 295KB ]
Pokorny, J.: Vyhledávání na webu. In: Sborník příspěvků 19. ročníku konference Moderní databáze, Hotel Amber, Roudnice n. L.. KOMIX, pp. 3-14.
Pokorny, J., Rejlek, V.: A Matrix model for XML Data. In: Databases and Information Systems, 6th Int. Baltic Conf. on DB&IS 2004, Riga, Latvia, Acta Universitatis Latviensis, Latvias Universitate, 2004, pp.163-176.
Almarimi A., Pokorny, J.: Querying Heterogeneous Distributed XML Data. In: Databases and Information Systems, 6th Int. Baltic Conf. on DB&IS 2004, Riga, Latvia, Acta Universitatis Latviensis, Latvias Universitate, 2004, pp.177-191.
Pokorny, J.: Web Searching and Information Retrieval. Computing in Science & Engineering, 2004, Volume 6, pp. 43-48.
Mlynkova, I., Pokorny, J.: From XML Schema to Object-Relational Database - An XML Schema-Driven Mapping Algorithm. In: Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. WWW/Internet 2004, Madrid, 6.-9. 10. 2004, P. Isaias, N. Karmakar eds., IADIS, pp. 115-122. [ PDF 77KB ]
Pokorny J.: XML Data Warehouse: Possibilities and Solutions. In: Constructing the Infrastructure for the Knowledge Economy: Methods & Tools, Theory & Practice. H. Linger et al (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2004, pp. 531-542.
Almarami, A., Pokorny, J.: A Mediation Layer for Heterogeneous XML Schemas. In: Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications & Services (iiWAS2004), Jakarta, Indonesia, Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, G. Kotsis, S. Bressan, D. Taniar, I.K. Ibrahim eds., 2004, pp. 417-426. [ PDF 144KB ]
Skopal, T., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: PM-tree: Pivoting Metric Tree for Similarity Search in Multimedia Databases. In: Proc. of 8th ADBIS 2004, Budapest, A. Benczur, J. Demetrovics, G. Gottlob, eds, Computer and Automation Research Institute Hungarian Academy of Science, pp. 99-114.
Skopal, T., Moravec, P., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: Metric Indexing for the Vector Model in Text Retrieval. In: Proc. of the Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE), Padova, Vol. 3246 of LNCS, Springer Verlag, 2004, pp. 183-195.
Pokorny, J.: XML databaze: soucasny stav a perspektivy. In: Proc. of the Annual Database Conf. DATAKON'2004, (K. Jezek ed.), Brno, 2004, Masaryk University Brno, pp. 161-181. [ PDF 408KB ]
Vakali, A., Pokorny, J., Dalamagas, Th.: An Overview of Web Clustering Practices. In: Current Trends in Database Technology, International Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML information on the Web, DataX, EDBT 2004, Heraklion - Crete, Greece. Vol. 3268 of LNCS Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 597-606.
M. Krátky, J. Pokorny, V. Snasel: Implementation of XPath Axes in the Multi-dimensional Approach to Indexing XML Data. In: Current Trends in Database Technology, International Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML information on the Web, DataX, EDBT 2004, Heraklion - Crete, Greece. Vol. 3268 of LNCS Springer-Verlag, 2004, pp. 219-229.
Number of publications in 2004: 16
Hlousek, P., Pokorny, J.: Refining OEM to Improve Features of Query Languages for Semistructured Data. In: Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components, and Management (J. Grundspenkis et al, eds.), Kluwer Press, 2003, pp. 293-304.
Moravec, P., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V: Vector Query With Signature Filtering. In: Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. Business Information Systems (W. Abramowicz, G. Klein Eds.), Colorado Springs, USA, pp. 1-6. [ PDF 241KB ]
Pokorny, J.: Approximate Treatment of XML Collections. In: Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. Business Information Systems (W. Abramowicz, G. Klein Eds.), Colorado Springs, USA, p. 13-22. [ PDF 326KB ]
Pokorny, J.: XML databáze ? řešení, rozvoj, výhled. In: Sborník konference Moderní databáze - Webové služby a mobilní databáze. 2003, Komix s.r.o. , pp. 3-19.
Skopal T., Pokorny, J., Kratky, M., Snasel, V.: Revisiting M-tree Building Principles. In: Proc. of the 7th East European Conf. on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2003), Springer-Verlag LNCS 2798, (Eds. L. Kalinichenko, R. Manthey, B. Thalheim, U. Wloka) 2003, pp. 148-162. [ PDF ]
J. Pokorny: Digitální knihovny: více problémů než očekávání? In: Sborník z 9. ročníku semináře AKP 2003 (automatizace knihovnických procesů - 9.) (ed. B. Ramajzlová), VIC VUT, 2003, pp. 51-57. [ PDF 208KB ]
Skopal, T., Moravec, P., Kratky, M., Snasel, V., Pokorny, J.: An Efficient Implementation of the Vector Model in Information Retrieval. In: Proc. of the 5th National Russian Research Conference, RCDL'2003, Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections. Saint-Petersburg, Russia, pp. 170-179, 2003.
Husek, D., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V. , Rezankova, H.: Metody vyhledavani v rozsahlych kolekcich dat. In: Proc. of the Annual Database Conf. DATAKON'2003, (L. Popelnsk ed.), Brno, 2003, pp. 23-52. [ PDF 720KB ]
Number of publications in 2003: 8
Kratky, M., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: Indexing XML data with UB-trees. In: Proc. of the 6th East European Conf. on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2002), Vol. 2: Research Communications, (Eds. Y. Manolopoulos, P. Navrat), Bratislava, 2002, pp.155-164. [ PDF 250KB ]
Hlousek, P., Pokorny, J.: Refining OEM to Improve Features of Query Languages for Semistructured Data. To be published in: Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components, and Management (J. Grundspenkis et al, eds.), Kluwer Press, 2002(2003). [ PS 18KB, ZIP/PPT 18KB ]
Pokorny, J.: Veda, technologie a spolecnost v sitovem veku. Teorie vedy - casopis pro teorii vedy, techniky a komunikace. XI/XXIV/1, 2002. Kabinet pro studium vedy, techniky a spolecnosti pri FU AV CR, pp. 101-120.
Pokorny, J.: XML Querying with Functions. In: Proc. of the IASTED Int. Conf. Information Systems and Databases (Y. Kiyoki et al eds.), Acta Press, Calgary, 2002, pp. 204-209.
Pokorny, J.: Informatika ve tretim tisicileti. Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, rocnik 47 (2002), c. 3, p. 191-205.
J. Pokorny: XML in the stars: a new approach to data warehouses. In: New Perspectives on Information Systems Development: Theory, Methods and Practice. (Eds. G. Harindranath, D. Rosenberg, J. A.A. Sillince, W. Wojtkowski, W. Gregory Wojtkowski, S. Wrycza, and J. Zupancic), Kluwer Academic, New York, USA, pp. 489-506.
J. Pokorny: XML-lambdal: an Extendible Framework for Manipulating XML data. In: Proc. of BIS 2002 (Business Information Systems), W. Abramowicz (Ed.), Poznan, Poland, 2002, pp. 160-168.
J. Pokorny: Sám já ladívám rád. In: MFF UK Jubilejní almanach (eds. I. Netuka, M. Stiborová), Matfyzpress, 2002, pp. 130-132. [ DOC 37KB ]
J. Pokorny: S informatikou na prahu sítového věku. In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Systems Integration 2002 (Ed. J. Pour, J. Voříšek), Praha, 2002, pp. 249-261. [ PDF 291KB ]
J. Pokorny: XML Data Warehouse: modelling and Querying. In: Databases and Information systems. Proc. of the Fifth Int. Baltic Conference, BalticDB&IS 2002, Tallin, June 3-6, 2002, pp. 267-280. [ PDF 219KB ]
Pokorny, J.: Trendy v databázích. Sborník konference Moderní databáze - Trendy v databázích a aplikační servery, 2002, Komix, pp. 3-13.
J. Pokorny: SQL:1999 - krok k objektově relační technologii. Sborník konference Moderní databáze - Trendy v databázích a aplikační servery, 2002, Komix, pp. 15-30.
J. Pokorny: Dotazovací jazyky. Skripta UK, Vydavatelství Karolinum, 2002, 255 s.
Kratky, M., Skopal, T., Pokorny, J., Snasel, V.: The Geometric Framework for Exact and Similarity Querying XML data. In: Proc. of the 1st EurAsian Conf. on Information and Communication Technology (Eds. H. Shafazand, A Min Tjoa), Shiraz, Iran, 2002, Springer Verlag, LNCS 2510, pp.35-46.
Number of publications in 2002: 14
Pokorny, J.: Prostorové objekty a SQL. Proc. of the 8th Conf. GIS... Ostrava 2001 (Ed. J. Růžička), 2001. [ HTML 65kB + obrázky ]
J. Pokorny: Digitální knihovny: principy a problémy. In: Sborník z 8. ročníku semináře AKP 2001 (automatizace knihovnických procesů - 8.) (ed. B. Ramajzlová), VIC ČVUT, 2001, pp. 27-38 [ PDF 200kB ]
J. Pokorny: XML: a challenge for databases? Chap. 13 in: Contemporary Trends in Systems Develpment (Eds.: Maung K. Sein), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001, pp. 147-164.
J. Pokorny: Databáze a Web. Sborník konference Moderní databáze - Data na Internetu, 2001, Komix, pp. 4-21 [ ZIP/DOC 64kB ]
J. Pokorny: Integration and interoperability of data sources: forward into the new century. Proc. of BITWorld 2001, Sherif. Kamel Ed., Cairo 4-6 June 2001, American University of Cairo, Egypt, 2001, 16 p. [ PDF 180kB ]
J. Pokorny: XML: initial step to data interoperability. Proc. of Int. Conf. on Systems Integration 2001 (Ed. J. Pour, J. Voříšek), Praha, 2001, pp. 249-264
J. Pokorny, P. Vojtas: A Data model for Flexible Querying. In: Proc. of the 5th East European Conf. on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2001), Springer Verlag, (Eds. A. Caplinskas, J. Eder), Berlin Heidelberg, 2001, pp.280-293.
Number of publications in 2001: 7