This is an informational web page for the Programming in Parallel Environment course (NPRG042), which is being taught at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague. The lectures are being held in S3 from 12:20 to 13:50 and the seminars are in S5 from 15:40 to 17:10 every Tuesday.
The students are required to have a decent prior knowledge of C++, C#, and Python. Students unable to code in these languages are likely not to pass the home assignments.
This year, the course will be held in a hybrid language mode. Theoretical lectures will be presented in Czech, and practical (technology-oriented) lectures as well as labs will be in English. All materials are in English and the theoretical part is covered in literature so the English-speaking students can cover them by self-study. We do acknowledge the course might be more difficult for Czech students in this mode, so do not hesitate to consult the teachers when something is not clear (questions may be posed in Czech during English lessons).
Bring your laptops to the seminars! In the past, we have observed that the lab sessions got significantly under-occupied during the semester and almost everyone was using their laptops instead of lab PCs. We have decided to merge the seminar and the labs, so every fortnight, the seminar session will take the form of a lab session and the students are expected to bring their own equipment.
This website hosts the following content:
You may also want to check out the information regarding our KSI clusters.
The course is currently led by Jakub Yaghob and Martin Kruliš. Please direct inquiries about a specific topic (or home assignment) to the teacher who presented the topic.
Our primary communication channel is Mattermost. You may find the invitation link attached as a remark on the lecture scheduling event at SIS. Join the nprg042-para