Web Semantization

Web Semantization picture

financed by Czech Science Foundation as project  P202/10/0761

Key words: semantic infrastructure; annotation; extraction ontology; RDF; querying; user modeling; semantic web; semantic web services

Abstract: Main idea of our project is foundational research to obtain new insight into the problem of web semantization and to
create an experimental environment containing
- small, but sufficient portion of Web of Today - WoT,
- a portion of a future automatically Evolving Semantic Web (ESW),
- several automatic semantic enrichment processes – extraction and annotation, semantic web services, ontological
engineering and improving indexing infrastructure,
- a reputation system designed according to the special needs of the experimental environment and a security subsystem
treating possible attacks and access control in the environment WoT based on a repository,
- ESW based on semantic repositories (Trisolda) and the process of semantization (an evolving chain of more and more
semantic enrichments).

Charles University Prague (project and team leader Peter Vojtas)
University of Economics (team leader Vojtech Svatek)
Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Science (team leader Roman Spanek)