NSWI170 Computer Systems

Photo Martin Kruliš

Labs of Martin Kruliš

Monday 15:40-17:10 (both even and odd)

Room: N11

All communication should be conducted in Mattermost (the invitation link is in the note of the SIS scheduling event and it was also sent to you by email). Join the #nswi170-compsys-krulis channel. If you cannot use Mattermost, send me an email to krulis -at- d3s.mff.cuni.cz, but Mattermost is the preferred channel.

Good to know

Make sure you have read important notes on the general labs page. Especially the ethical guidelines, coding guidelines, and technical details regarding the Arduino platform.


Grading rules for receiving credit are the same for all labs. You will need

Please, observe the deadlines in ReCodEx carefully, as they are hard deadlines. If you get into any kind of trouble keeping up with your assignments, let me know immediately so we can negotiate a mutually acceptable solution. Failure to deliver an assignment without prior arrangement or serious objective reason will cause you to fail the course.

Assignment reviews and acceptance

Each in-labs assignment will have the following pattern:

Please note that I am not reviewing solutions that did not pass ReCodEx tests (have below 100% correctness). If you are submitting revisions that are not final (i.e., you do not wish me to review them since you plan to work on your solution further), mark them by attaching an appropriate note and I will ignore them.

Labs schedule

Please note that the following materials were copied from last year and some revisions might still occur.

The labs are held bi-weekly, with two lab groups altering odd/even weeks. Thus there is one topic (and one set of slides) for every fortnight. However, each lab group has its own ReCodEx group, thus the assignment links are different each week (also the assignments have different deadlines).

The slides are stored in Microsoft SharePoint. You need to sign in using your <UKCO>@cuni.cz as the login name. That will redirect you to our CAS, where you can verify your credentials.

Date Topic Slides Attachments
19.2.2024 C/C++ language lab01-C.pptx
4.3.2024 Arduino IDE, setup/loop, LEDs lab02-Blinkq.pptx result video
18.3.2024 Arduino LEDs & Buttons lab03-Buttons.pptx task 6 video
15.4.2024 Arduino 7-seg display lab04-7seg.pptx result video
8.4.2024 !!!
29.4.2024 Arduino 7-seg display - multiplex lab05-7segmux.pptx multiplexing
22.4.2024 task 5 video
13.5.2024 Arduino 7-seg display - running message (strings & pointers) lab06-7segalpha.pptx result video
20.5.2024 TBA