
I assume at this stage we are constructing a syntax tree? At least part of it.

No. There is no need to build a syntax tree. Bison will perform a bottom-up post-order traversal through a virtual tree and it will execute a fragment of your C++ code when exiting every subtree.

Since your editing environment does not recognize .y files as C++ sources, it is a good idea to keep the fragments minimal, like

{ $$ = rule_something( ctx, $1, $3, @2); }

and implement the rule_something functions in casem.*.

So the first part is that you need to understand how the $$, $i and @i work, including setting their types. A short description is in the slides, details are in the bison manual.

I assume that @n will return loc_t?

Yes, @i is of type loc_t. loc_t is just an int. It is defined in the framework and told bison via some %define declaration in .y

But if we don't build the tree itself, then are we also supposed to later type check and translate in these fragments? I assumed we are recording this tree and then in a separate run we are type checking it and then in a separate run we are translating it.

No. There is no separate run. Directly when the source is parsed, bison calls your C++ fragments and you call framework functions which create some internal representation of the types and variables in the ctx. There will be no physical tree in our code. We are building a single-pass compiler (which generates the LLVM IR).

With some dirty tricks, you can implement the compiler inside these C++ fragments. For Assignment 3, the only really dirty tricks are associated with the IDF/TYPEIDF distinction in the lexer which you already did in Asgn 2, and the related warnings (in the slides) on the effect of look-ahead in bison.

Is it better to start writing from the top symbol, for example from declaration?

Yes, that might be a good approach. It is a good idea to rearrange the rules just under declaration so that you have a nice place where one init-declarator meets with declaration-specifiers. Then, you will write a C++ fragment into this place to generate the variable/function/typedef.

Of course, your code will need some inputs from the underlying syntactic parts - this will tell you what data you need from the parts, i.e. the types for type (you will need to define some of them in casem.hpp, the framework types are not sufficient).

To start with Assignment 3, you will probably need to create your own test input, starting from the simplest things like

int x;

For this case, your job is essentially to call these framework functions:

loc_t loc = /* actual line number where the token "x" is located */;
CKTypeSafeObs tp = ctx->get_int_type();
ctx->define_var("x", CKTypeRefPack(tp, false), loc);
unsigned loc_t
Line number in the compiled source file.
Definition: cktables.hpp:24
safe_ptr< const CIAbstractType, safe_default< const CKVoidType > > CKTypeSafeObs
Safe pointer to a type descriptor (CIAbstractType)
Definition: cktables.hpp:33

Of course, you can't do it in a single code fragment - you have to split it into several pieces, capable of handling much more complex cases.

The ctx->get_int_type() call will neatly fit into the rule type-specifier: int (it will however be slightly different in your grammar due to grouped tokens).

The ctx->define_var() call must be located at a place where both the declaration-specifiers (which tell you the base type) and init-declarator (which contains the variable name and additional type constructions) are available. For this, it is a good idea to regroup the grammar slightly (as shown in the slides) to let the two pieces of information meet already when one init-declarator is encountered (i.e. not above the init-declarator-list_opt).

The most complex part of Assignment 3 is dealing with the declarators. They are structured in exactly the opposite way than you need. So, for this part, you will need a temporary structure which will somehow hold the declarators (i.e. pointer/array/function constructs) together with the identifier placed inside. Above the declarators (when you finally meet the information on the base type from the declaration-specifiers, you will have to execute the correct framework functions (in the correct order) to create the pointer/array/function types from the base type.

Example: const int * p[10] is syntactically grouped as const int (* (p[10])). The meaning is "p is an array of pointers to const int". Therefore, you have to call this:

CKTypeSafeObs tp1 = ctx->get_int_type();
bool is_const1 = true;
CKTypeSafeObs tp2 = ctx->get_pointer_type(CKTypeRefPack(tp1, is_const1));
bool is_const2 = false; // the pointer is not const (but points to const)
CKTypeSafeObs tp3 = ctx->get_array_type(tp2,ctx->get_int32_constant(10));
bool is_const3 = is_const2; // const element implies const array
ctx->define_var("x", CKTypeRefPack(tp3, is_const3), loc);

Your job is to arrange a temporary structure which will allow you to execute the sequence of get_pointer_type and get_array_type in the right moment (when you have the tp1 at hand). In addition, if the last type (tp3) were a function, you have to call declare_function instead of define_var. And if there were a typedef keyword, you call define_typedef instead.

What if declaration-specifiers contain conflicting or duplicate specifiers or qualifiers? E.g. const const int i; bool int i;.

It is your responsibility to report errors::INVALID_SPECIFIERS in cases like these:

FILE int v1;
char int v2;
const v3;
typedef T4;
typedef int f5() { /.../ }
int f6(typedef int x);

On the other hand, double const like in

const const int v7;
typedef const int T8;
const T8 v9;

is not considered an error in Cecko (although v7 would be an error in C) - it is silently collapsed into one const flag.

Is a declaration like int func(bool b)[]; correct? It is allowed by the grammar but it results in returning an array by value.

It is not correct, a function must not return an array by value (it is one of the reasons for the existence of std::array in C++). It is however impossible to elliminate this case syntactically because it could sneak in via a TYPEIDF.

In our framework, the functions get_array_type and get_function_type return nullptr when the requested type would be invalid. It is your responsibility to test the return value and report errors::INVALID_ARRAY_TYPE or errors::INVALID_FUNCTION_TYPE when nullptr.

On the other hand, the function declare_function tests its CKTypeObs argument for correctness - if it is not a function type (like in int f {/.../}), declare_function itself will report an error (INVALID_FUNCTION_TYPE).

Is it possible that the return type of a function is declared const? If so, there is no place to store the flag in the framework.

The const modifier at function return is allowed in both syntax and semantics, it is however ignored (because a function call in C is never an L-value and thus could not be modified anyhow). Therefore, our framework does not store the flag.

Is it possible to define a struct, enum or typedef inside function arguments?

The definition of struct/enum may be placed within any declaration (in C, it is prohibited only inside cast and sizeof expressions).

On the other hand, typedef must not appear in a formal argument (although allowed by the grammar od C due to being in the same syntactic category as the archaic register keyword). You may solve it either by removing the typedef from the grammar rules for the arguments (i.e. producing a syntax error in the malformed case) or by semantic check leading to errors::INVALID_SPECIFIERS.

What does "CKTypeRefPack" represent?


typedef int T1;
typedef const int T2;
typedef const T1 T3[10];
typedef const T2 T4[10];
typedef T2 T5[10];

In this case, the three typedefs T3, T4, T5 are by definition identical, i.e. it does not matter where exactly the const was added (and the double const in T4 is silently merged). A related case is in the definition of a function type:

typedef int TF1(int, int);
typedef int TF2(const int, const int);

These two typedefs are by definition identical (the const flag on a parameter is simply ignored because it does not affect the caller). Therefore, it is easier to handle the type descriptors independently of the const flag. The only case where the const flag is a part of a type descriptor is a pointer, i.e. const X* is different from X*. A typedef stores a pair of a type descriptor and a const flag, which is exactly the contents of the structure CKTypeRefPack. And you may also use the structure in your code, for instance when representing a type specifier list like T2 or const int.

Is "IRBuilderBase::getCurrentFunctionReturnType" the correct way to retrieve the return type of the actual function?

No, it only returns the LLVM IR type descriptor which is insufficient to correctly check the type rules of Cecko. CKContext::current_function_return_type returns the correct type descriptor.

What is the underlying type for enums in Cecko?

int. The behavior of Cecko is slightly different from the definition of (modern) C. It is wired into the framework because get_ir on an enum descriptor returns the LLVM IR descriptor for i32, simply because LLVM IR does not recognize enums. Furthermore, get_type on enum constants returns the descriptor for int, i.e. not their respective enum descriptor. Since int and enums are implicitly convertible, there is no consequence of this behavior. (On the other hand, the pointer to int is different from the pointer to an enum; therefore, variables must correctly keep their enum type because pointers may point at them.)

How can I call "enter_block()" at the beginning of the compound_statment?

You have to rewrite the grammar slightly so that you can call enter_block before or immediately after LCUR.

What is the best way to handle the recursive structure of direct_declarator? Is it better to transform the grammar somehow or to create a temporary data structure representing the actual declarator?

Rewriting the grammar does not help. Logically, you need a list of objects of three different types (representing the array/pointer/function declarators); you will later have to traverse the list in the opposite order with respect to the order of construction. It may be represented by a linked list or a container; in any case, you need to solve the variability of the types. There are three options in C++: Inheritance (the cleanest but the most work-intensive and also the slowest), std::variant or just a struct containing all the required data elements (always leaving some of them unused). In addition, functional-programming gurus may use std::function and lambdas (creating, in fact, a linked list of functor objects).

Furtheremore, there is (optionally) an identifier buried inside the declarator. It may be represented as a fourth type of objects in the list (providing an ellegant terminator if implemented by a linked list). However, passing the identifier (and its line number) besides the list is probably simpler. In any case, the type for a declarator will be the most complex temporary data structure needed in the semantic analysis of Cecko.

How to retrieve the enum/struct descriptor for a previously declared enum/struct?

Identifiers occuring after the keyword struct or enum belong to a special category of identifiers, called Tags. The functions find and find_typedef work with other categories and, thus, they are not usable to find the meaning of a Tag. Furthermore, every presence of struct or enum may be a declaration of the Tag. Therefore, the functions declare_struct_type and declare_enum_type are the only way how to retrieve a struct/enum descriptor - internally, the functions will decide whether to return a previously created descriptor or a new one.

How to retrieve the "CKFunctionObs" needed for "enter_function()" when the function was already declared?

The correct way is to call declare_function (again) - it will not report any error for duplicite declaration if the type is identical to the previous declaration.

How to represent declarations like "int f(void)"?

The void is only a syntactic matter (due to the distant history of C), no parameter representation shall be created for the void. The case of a single void argument must be specifically detected (in the semantics; handling by grammar adjustment would be too difficult) and get_function_type must be called with an empty list of arguments in this case.

"declare_struct_type" returns the same descriptor pointer for both the global and the local "struct" in this example:

struct mighty_str;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
struct mighty_str;
return 0;

struct X; shall create a new struct descriptor only if no previous declaration is in sight. Because of this, you see the same pointer. On the other hand, struct X {}; must always create a new descriptor - therefore, you have to call define_struct_type_open instead of declare_struct_type in this case.

Note that, for simplicity, Cecko rules are slightly different from C: In C, struct X a; behaves differently from struct X; - the former enforces a new declaration if none is visible while the latter is a declaration if none is in the same scope. In Cecko, the latter case has no special handling.

What is the required contents of "CKFunctionFormalPackArray" in the call to "enter_function()"? Is it possible to retrieve it from "CKFunctionSafeObs"?

CKFunctionFormalPackArray represent exactly the information contained in the function header which is not (by definition) the part if the function type and, therefore, it is not stored in CKFunctionSafeObs. You have to collect this information on your own, i.e. to split the information in a parameter list into two groups - parameter types and the rest (const flags and identifiers, if any). The rest goes into the CKFunctionFormalPackArray. If the function declarator is not a part of function definition, the rest is silently ignored.

How to represent the "char" in "int(*pfix)(char)"?

Notice that this a pointer to a function that returns int and accepts char as an argument. So what you need to do:

  1. process function parameters (in this case it is char) to list of arguments (CKTypeObsArray)
  2. call get_function_type with return type as int, arguments being the list you got from 1, and variadic being false.
  3. wrap the return value from 2 into CKTypeRefPack.
  4. pass the pack from 3 to get_pointer_type.
  5. Wrap what you got from 4 into a CKTypeRefPack.
  6. Then you can define_var with the name pfix and the pack that you got from 5.

How to access struct members when we only have its value (R-value) and not its address (L-value)?

Call CreateExtractValue instead of CreateStructGEP. The former converts a value to a value, the latter a pointer to a pointer. Note that the former is needed only in cases like f().m.

What is the result type of (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, &&, ||, !) - "int" or "_Bool"?

With respect to the language behavior, the question has no real meaning because the results are R-values and there are consistent implicit conversions between int and _Bool in both directions. In other words, you cannot determine which type the compiler has selected from the behavior of the resulting program.

The pragmatic choice is _Bool because the ICmp instructions return i1 which is the LLVM IR representation of Cecko _Bool. Choosing int would require additional (forth and back) conversion instructions in cases like _Bool x; x = a < b;.

What is the correct sequence of builder calls to create a string literal representation and to cast it to a pointer to char? CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32 keeps asserting for every type I supplied.

CreateGlobalString returns the IR representation of a pointer to a string literal; however, its IR type is char (*)[N+1]. The semantics of CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32 (with two zeros) is &p[0][0]; therefore, it converts the IR type char (*)[n] to char *. For unknown reasons, the first argument to it shall be the IR type descriptor for char[n], i.e. the type in between the two [0] operators.

The two builder calls will be separated in the compiler: The STRLIT will produce an L-value expression of the (Cecko) type const char [N+1] whose address is the result of CreateGlobalString, having the IR type char (*)[N+1]. The second step is a more general implicit conversion of the L-value of type T[n] to an R-value of type T*, which is done by the CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32 call. The conversion is a part of the next operation above the STRLIT (except of the case of &"ABC", that produces an R-value of (Cecko) type const char (*)[N+1], i.e. the & operator does nothing in the IR).

Is it true that an array can be assigned only an array of the same type and size, and only when passing function arguments?

No, assignment of arrays (when not packed into a struct) the C does not support anywhere. get_function_type will refuse to create a function with an argument of an array type (there is a small difference between Cecko and C - in C, the compiler automatically converts all array-typed formal arguments into pointers, e.g. char *argv[] is equivalent to char **argv). If the actual argument is an array, it will always trigger the implicit conversion to a pointer.

Is it possible to assign structs directly or is is necessary to iterate through every field?

The IR instructions Load, Store, Ret as well as the arguments of Call can copy any IR type including structures (they can even copy arrays, only the rules of C prohibit that). No iteration through fields in your part of compiler is required (and there is no support for it in the framework).

How to pass the additional arguments to a variadic function?

Variadic arguments in C have special rules:

  • every integer type converted to (at least) int
  • every FP type converted to at least double
  • arrays are converted to pointers as usual Inside printf, the consequences are, e.g., that c means "expect int argument".

In Cecko, it simply means converting _Bool and char to int (by ZExt) and arrays to pointers (by CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32).