Binary search

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The input consists of an ordered sequence idata with isize elements and an unordered sequence odata with osize elements. The assignment is to distribute the odata into (isize+1) buckets, whose border values are defined by idata. In the bucket number k, elements are greater or equal to idata[k-1] and less than idata[k].

        typedef std::int32_t data_element;
        template< typename policy>
        class bsearch_inner {
            bsearch_inner( const data_element * idata, std::size_t isize);
        template< typename policy>
        class bsearch_outer { 
            bsearch_outer( const bsearch_inner< policy> & inner, std::size_t osize);
            void bucketize( const data_element * odata);
            typedef std::pair< const data_element *, std::size_t> bucket_rv;
            bucket_rv bucket( std::size_t k) const;

Test parameters

isize and osize parameters are explained above. isize is iterated through the set { 64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384, 65536, 262144, 1048576 }, osize through the set { 1024, 16384, 262144 }, resulting in 24 test configurations on each platform. In Debug mode, only 6 of them are used.

repeats is an auto-adjusted parameter, used to increase running time by repeatedly calling compute. The range of the parameter is set so that the expected run time ranges from fractions of a second to seconds (stopped by the auto-adjustment mechanism after exceeding a second).