#include #include #include #include #include // this is a simple demonstration of basic container usage int main() { // TODO: define a map with key type std::string and value type int // containing some fruits and their corresponding counts // - use the initializer list syntax: { {key1, value1}, {key2, value2}, ... } // TODO: print the map using a range-based for loop and structured bindings // TODO: define a vector of numbers from 1 to 11, prepare the vector with 11 elements (std::vector(11)) // and use std::iota(beg_it, end_it, init) to fill the vector with numbers, it automatically increments the init value // TODO: print every second number in the vector, use const_iterators // TODO: fill the vector with partial sums of the vector's suffixes, use reverse iterators and a temporary value // note that semantically, the rend() is still a result of multiple increments of `auto it = rbegin()` just like with begin() and end() // TODO: print the contents of the vector using a range-based for loop }